It has almost been a month since my first appointment. I have officially adapted to the Georgia heat wearing a pair of super tight Velcro biker-pants & a tank top wrapped with 4 different straps under my regular daily attire. I have not slept on the right side of my body in almost a month (I was advised to sleep on my left due to the angle of my curve), I have figured out how to breathe into my "concavities" while driving down the road, and I have re-learned how to spot gymnastics, with my left's all about balance, folks & re-learning to spot a child's body with your non-dominate arm is like re-learning to write with your non-dominate hand, not easy. Here is a video of me spotting with my dominate arm, before my life changed, now I can do spot on either side! Boo-yah!
During my first consultation a therapy plan was created for me & my spine. Bracing, Schroth exercises & a specific chiropractic therapy called, Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic. Basically, I have my Schroth-Doctor, Dr. Deutchman who I visit once a month, & my Atlas Orthogonist, Dr. Roy Sweat who houses Dr. Deutchman when he comes to town. Dr. Roy Sweat is 84 years old and is the founder of this specific adjustment of the Atlas.
An Atlas Orthogonist is a Doctor in the field of Chiropractic, with training in the structure, function and bio-mechanics of the upper cervical spine. This chiropractic method specifically adjust my Atlas. When the Atlas is restored to normal, the body can assume its natural posture, and the distortions along with the various symptoms, may be eliminated. This is the normal "Orthogonal" alignment of the head, neck, & spine.
The Atlas is the very first Cervical Vertebra, this is one of the vertebrae that is out of align in my spine. (Clearly there are others; however, the Atlas/C1 plays the most important role, it's like Batman and the rest of your spine represents Robin.) If you look at the picture, you will notice where the nerve endings have been highlighted. The nerve endings play a major role in diagnosing a subluxated (out-of-whack) Atlas. If your Atlas is out of line these nerve endings are very sensitive, not to mention when an Atlas is out of place, your head is misaligned which makes you a walking bobble-head doll, nice. Here is the actual X-ray of my bobble-head. Due to my bobble head the vertebrae are forced to one side causing structural misalignment.
A scanning palpation (below) is performed to confirm abnormal conditions & severity of pain. Wouldn't ya know.. the right side of my neck was in pain as he preformed the scanning palpation. I always thought this pain was just sore muscles due to my S-shaped spine.
After the consultation, I received 4 different X-rays to find the specific location of my Atlas. The last step (or adjustment) involved what I like to call, The Laser Beam Tool. Dr. Sweat invented this tool, himself! (See the (link above.
No. My back did not straighten, my deformities did not start meta-morphisizing before my eyes; however, it is a baby step. It was also an unbelievable experience and I figured I would share! I meet with Dr. Deutchman on the 22nd. I will be sure to update you on my curve...maybe I have grown new muscles ....or gotten taller from scoliosizing?! Until then ....for your viewing pleasure..... Scoliosizing & Floyd.
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