Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Curvature Update!
Okay, not much to discuss here. I had my 1-mth appointment, Dr. Deutchman tightened my brace in some areas & critiqued my exercises.
It seems my exercises are taking on a new meaning. I am correcting some areas of my technique that basically make the breathing techniques a bit more difficult & take more time. I have to be aware of the lateral curvature of my spine & the sagittal curvature. Have you ever twisted a wet towel? This is the sagittal curve. My scoliosis is an "S" with a right twist, which means as I breath I have to concentrate on de-rotating or un-twisting my spine as well as positioning my back to the left, since my curve is right. I have to turn my "S" into a straight line & un-twist the towel...all while breathing into the flat side of my back...sounds fun, right?
Anyhow, Peter and I took a picture of my back on July 18th, my first day of exercises, and tonight, August 23rd. I am not really expecting to see a difference this early in the therapy, but I figured it would be fun to watch the progressions & be hopeful. I am not sure I see a difference yet ...but I figured I would leave the judgement up to you guys. I have a 3 month appointment October 3. I will be x-rayed...to see if there is any improvement in my curve. In the meantime, I will be improving my Schroth technique & hanging on the bars at work to stretch my back, enjoy the gross pictures!

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Yep babe, time to start realizing there is a light at the end of the twisted spine :) you are doing a wonderful job.....eventhough you get discouraged, which is quite allright & expected. I 'm continuously amazed and awestruck by your determination in this whole process and even though this is just the beginning, what you are doing, and blogging about it, is just an example and is proof how you can literally conquer anything you put your heart and mind into (for those who didn't already know that about your character;). I am glad to be a part of it, I'm proud of you, and l Iove you! Now that you are probably emberrassed, get over it and finish stretching! Peter