Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Schroth Method...Scoliosizing 101

If you have been following me and my current life adventure, I am on a journey to looking cute in a swimsuit again. No, I am not starving myself, I am aligning my spine because my current mis-alignment makes my boobs lop-sided, my left rib cage smash together, and my back aches often, not to mention, the spine is basically the powerhouse of our bodies, and I would prefer for my spine in particular, to get it's act together.

My problem is Scoliosis. Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine and no one really knows why it happens. Only the lucky one's get to have a crooked back, & I am totally lucky. My X-rays look like this, but add about 16 more degrees of curvature. Imagine a more compact something a guy with a cool Calligraphy pen would draw, instead of this stand-in google image.

  All scoliosis cases involve asymmetrical muscles. A scoliotic spine twists abnormally due to strength and bulk imbalances among muscle groups in the back and elsewhere that should otherwise be equal. For whatever reason, some muscles on one side of the back grow stronger than the opposing group on the other side and pull harder. The weaker ones cannot maintain a balance, so the scoliosis cycle begins and gradually worsens under the asymmetrical loads. So here is a thought...our lungs breath and expand our chest cavity, which is protected by our rib cage that is connected to our spine. Could our very breath control how a we manipulate our bodies back to health??? 

The therapy I started is called, The Schroth Method. The Schroth method is a system of exercises that was developed in the 1920s by Katharina Schroth (1894-1985), and further developed by her daughter. Basically, this girl Katharina did not like the way she looked, so she took control and decided to take matters into her own hands...or lungs I guess I should say. This young lady lived on a farm, without hospitals or medical facilities. She decided to take the reigns on her health & dominated her breathing patterns while putting her self in specific stretching positions. After she was done inventing this awesome alternative,  she hit the beach with symmetrical breasts and all!

By the 1960s, the Schroth Method had become the standard non-surgical treatment for scoliosis in Germany. The Schroth treatment is currently supported in Germany by the federal health insurance system, and German orthopedic surgeons routinely refer patients for Schroth scoliosis exercise therapy. These Schroth centers have 5-8 hour boot camps that teach individual exercises to people affected by Scoliosis and the government pays for it! Oops, did I mention politics? Let me stay on topic...

The Schroth method helps patients:
  • Halt curve progression
  • Reduce pain
  • Increase vital capacity (Oxygen capacity-Total Volume of O2 in & out of lungs)
  • At least partly reverse abnormal curvatures (My GOAL!!!)
  • Improve posture and appearance (O yea, bikini weather!)
  • Maintain improved posture lifelong (This is hard)
  • Avoid surgery (Refer to previous blog)
 The Schroth Method is a physiotherapeutic treatment system which uses
 isometric and other exercises to strengthen or lengthen asymmetrical
 muscles in a scoliotic body.  Its goals are to halt progression of
abnormal spinal curvature, and in the best case to reverse the curves.  Okay, just to keep myself honest, I did not write the 3 sentences above me; however, to put it in easiest terms, my exercises are a lot like yoga...just catered specifically to me for my unique curvature.
If you look at the photo below, you will see the upper right part of my back is where my spine twist, then the lower left back is where my spine twist a second time in order to compensate for the first. (for balance purposes) My lumbar curve (lower back) is around 30 degrees. 

Through the Schroth method, I must now be consciously aware of the "flat" zones in my back. These "flat" zones are created where muscles surrounding my spine have become weak; and this creates a concaved appearance. These zones are also called, concavities. My concavities include my left shoulder blade that is currently performing a disappearing act, and my lower right back that I like to call my "skinny" side, because everything is being pulled to the left side of my body, including my everything looks super flattened. Convexities are the opposing side of my spine; basically the Rambo of my back muscles, these are the ones causing all the drama. How the spine initially began to twist is less important than recognizing the imbalances.
What I am learning is how to identify the imbalances so I can treat the problem, without rods & screws.  

After understanding where my concavities and convexities are, I must learned to breathe into my "flat" zones while position my body in specific positions. By breathing into my "flat" zones, my (left) ribs open, (when they would otherwise twist together tightly) and the de-rotation process begins. With each breath I take my body slowly begins learning the new posture I create while breathing & positioning. It really is amazing.

Figure 5 - Starting position at the wall bars

The muscle-strengthening and stretching exercises aims to de-rotate and elongate my spine back into its normal position. My exercises take about an hour to complete each day. My commitment to these breathing & exercise sessions is extremely important and they must become apart of my lifestyle.

According to many clinical studies and published reports, only a small percentage of patients introduced to this method of treatment end with surgery. Clinical Studies of Scoliosis 

This first week has been different, my back aches in weird places, I have had to wear a brace 8 hours out of the day, and completely change the way I sleep., Oddly enough, I am okay with all the uncomfort of it all especially when I think about my bikini-ready back & rock hard muscles in my concavities! In the meantime, for your viewing pleasure, here is a picture of me, Scoliosizing....

See ya next time!




  1. Hi There,

    My name is Monique. I too have a 30 degree curve. How are you progressing with your new therapy? Did you find someone to do the Schroth method here in the U.S.?

    Like I said, I have a 30 degree curve. I am a yoga teacher. Before I started teaching yoga I was in constant pain. After starting to teach yoga the pain subsided, though I still had to be careful about certain things. These past two years I've only taught sporadically and my back seems worse. In fact I've started teaching regularly again and when I teach I get injured. Needless to say I'm frustrated and looking for a 'fix'.

    Thanks for posting here. I will looking into the Schroth method. Have you heard of 'yoga for scoliosis? I have the DVD. I think I'll start using it again.


    1. hi can you please tell me if the book can be download? i live in argentina and buying it would be really pricey.

  2. Hi, thank you so much for your report.
    Could you please tell me if you have bought the book Three-Dimensional Treatment for Scoliosis and learned exercises from there? Are exercises for scoliosis in the book presented clearly and are easy to follow/learn? I have a mild scoliosis and I'm considering buying the book.

  3. Thanks for taking the time to discuss this, I feel strongly about it and love learning more on this topic. If possible, as you gain expertise, would you mind updating your blog with more information? It is extremely helpful for me. Schroth Method

  4. Yes! Great information. I also recommend checking out if you (or your readers) are near California. There are great treatments that don't involve surgery.
