"Don't believe everything you hear." Have you ever heard this phrase? I have; although at times I take it to the extreme. I have a bad habit. I do no listen well, AT-ALL. I am the Devil's advocate most of the time and can easily take over a conversation. I also have a talent of some how relating the topic of conversation back to some hilarious personal encounter of my own that is totally unrelated. So although I interrupt you, I can still make you laugh.
Okay, so I am working on this aspect of myself. Genuinely, I love learning new things, going new places & meeting new people, I just lack the listening part of learning. I am working on listening skills; however, when scoliosis was introduced to my life, this strong-willed, question every-thing aspect of my personality came in handy. I am not sure why I decided the Doctors orders were not the orders I wanted, or if I just got lucky and God decided to have mercy on my soul (or spine). Either way, when I was diagnosed with scoliosis I declared war (see below) on the Doctor's opinion. Was surgery really my only option for a healthy spine?
During regular health check-ups throughout college and in my mid-20's I would be asked, "What plans do you have for your back?" I would fill the doctor in about the information I had found online and what I had discovered through my research on non-surgical methods of treatment. In response I would always receive the same puzzled look...you know, that look you get in the South that says, "Bless her heart."
Bless her heart is right! God was listening because he hooked me up Dr. Deutchman who decided to bring the Schroth Method to the United States, who in returned is helping me get straight!
Okay, so I am working on this aspect of myself. Genuinely, I love learning new things, going new places & meeting new people, I just lack the listening part of learning. I am working on listening skills; however, when scoliosis was introduced to my life, this strong-willed, question every-thing aspect of my personality came in handy. I am not sure why I decided the Doctors orders were not the orders I wanted, or if I just got lucky and God decided to have mercy on my soul (or spine). Either way, when I was diagnosed with scoliosis I declared war (see below) on the Doctor's opinion. Was surgery really my only option for a healthy spine?
During regular health check-ups throughout college and in my mid-20's I would be asked, "What plans do you have for your back?" I would fill the doctor in about the information I had found online and what I had discovered through my research on non-surgical methods of treatment. In response I would always receive the same puzzled look...you know, that look you get in the South that says, "Bless her heart."
Bless her heart is right! God was listening because he hooked me up Dr. Deutchman who decided to bring the Schroth Method to the United States, who in returned is helping me get straight!
Peter & I went to my 3-month appointment on Monday to get an X-ray and make sure my Schroth therapy is on the right track.
Here are the results!!! Drum roll please....
July 2011-71 degrees October 3, 2011-60 degrees!!!
Here are the results!!! Drum roll please....
July 2011-71 degrees October 3, 2011-60 degrees!!!

In conclusion, I had an 11 degree improvement in 3 months!!! These are not my actual X-rays; however, both of these curves are the same measurement as my curve and look very similar to my own.
In a weird way, I feel blessed to have been given the opportunity to experience something like this...I find it amazing how much control we can have over our own bodies and it has given me a new sense of empowerment.
I find it unfortunate this treatment option has just recently been encouraged in United States. By the 1960s, the Schroth Method had become the standard non-surgical treatment for scoliosis in Germany. Schroth treatment is currently supported in Germany by the federal health insurance system, and German orthopedic surgeons routinely refer patients for Schroth scoliosis exercise therapy(http://www.schrothmethod.com/). The Schroth Method is also incredibly more inexpensive than spinal fusion. (The only option offered in the US until recently.) I spoke with a young lady that received scoliosis surgery 5 years ago, her parents are still paying on the medical bill. Why was I only given one option...? Why has the US not been doing this stuff all along? I don't understand.
Granted, this is only the beginning for me. I can only hope for further progression & expect to possibly have let-downs. For now, I am still learning about my own body and what I have to do in order to reverse & control my abnormal posture so that my improved posture becomes a habit. Until next time...here is a cool picture of some amazing results thanks to the Schroth Method:
5-year-old boy, scoliosis resulting from polio (left).
After 3 weeks of intensive Schroth treatment (center).
After 8 weeks of Schroth scoliosis exercise therapy (right).
After 3 weeks of intensive Schroth treatment (center).
After 8 weeks of Schroth scoliosis exercise therapy (right).
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